Drivers more distracted with partially automated driving systems: study

Two separate studies by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) confirms what many have contended for years – using automated driving systems can lead to more distracted drivers behind the wheel. 

Why it matters: IIHS found that instead of keeping drivers engaged, these systems train them to rely on cues—like nudging the wheel or appeasing sensor warnings—rather than staying actively involved in driving. And this complacency grows as drivers become more familiar with their systems.

Quick facts:

The Volvo study analyzed the driving behavior of 29 volunteers provided with a 2017 Volvo S90 sedan equipped with Pilot Assist over a four-week period. 

  • The system, which helps maintain lane position and speed, was meant to reduce the cognitive load on drivers.

  • But, drivers became significantly more distracted—engaging in activities like checking their phones, grooming, and eating—more than 30% of the time the system was active.

The Tesla analysis focused on 14 participants who had never used partial automation systems before. These volunteers drove a 2020 Tesla Model 3 equipped with Autopilot for a month, covering over 12,000 miles. 

  • The system issued 3,858 warnings, most of which were resolved quickly. 

  • Yet, the pattern that emerged was troubling — drivers were learning how to manipulate the system’s sensors and timing.

  • As drivers grew familiar with how Autopilot issued alerts, they began to anticipate when they could disengage from paying attention. 

Worth noting: While these tests provide valuable insights into the safeguards of driver monitoring, they don’t address the overall effectiveness of the systems. (i.e. the reliability and accuracy when encountering different weather and road conditions, traffic, or lane markings).

Bottom line: Partial automation isn’t quite the hands-free utopia many drivers hope for… yet. And IIHS argues that it creates the illusion that drivers can afford to pay less attention. Rather than focusing on the road, drivers are learning to work around warnings — lulling them into a false sense of security.

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